Monday, April 21, 2008


I have never felt a larger sense of relief than I feel right now. The most difficult semester of my entire college career is almost over. Last weekend, we had our performances of The Good Doctor. I never realized how difficult directing a show can be. Working with the actors was only a tiny portion of what I had to do. Lighting, sound, programs, posters, ushering, and the set were all my (and the other four directors) responsibilities. And that's not even the half of it! It did pay off though because we put on a wonderful show. The actors were amazing, the audience loved it, and we sold more tickets in one week end than most IUS shows. Now, all I have is a final for Voice class on Wednesday, and my final project for Scene Design (including an eight page paper) is due next Monday. This I can handle. I hope.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Check It Out!

My webpage is almost complete! (The truth is, it will never be fully completed because I can always add more monologues.) But, at this point, it looks really good. There twenty-four monologues, a homepage with five pictures of IUS productions, an "about this site" page, and a link to this blog. So far, I have six classical comedy monologues, six classical dramatic monologues, six contemporary comedic monologues, and six contemporary dramatic monologues. Almost all the monologue pages have pictures of previous productions. This is because I believe it is easier to get a feel for the play if pictures are available. The "About This Site" page just explains how this webpage is specifically for women around my age in need of audition monologues. There is, also, an About Me section that just says my experience, what I am up to, and, of course, a goofy picture of me. I picked a girly color scheme and a simple layout (because I don't know how to do anything complex.) But, I think everything looks pretty good.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Website

I've added some more monologues to my website including selections from Eve's Diary, The Casket Comedy, and Les Miserables. There are still quite a few that I plan to add. There will be a monologue from the movie Waiting for Guffman which will probably be the only movie monologue, but I wan to include it because it has worked really well for me in the past. I will, also, add some monologues from Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and Midsummer Night's Dream.

By the way, I saw the movie Leatherheads last Saturday. This movie stars George Clooney, John Krasinski, and Renee Zellweger, and is directed by Clooney. I was really excited about this movie. Partially because it looked cute and funny, and partially because I love John Krasinski. However, I was pretty disappointed. I knew I wouldn't enjoy Renee Zellweger's performance and I didn't, but it wasn't just that; Leatherheads was not all that cute or funny. It had its moments, but for the most part it was just plain boring.

Monday, March 31, 2008

A Change of Pace

My blog is going to be shifting gears to topics relating to monologues. This is because I am in the process of creating a website about audition monologues for women. It can be very time consuming to find a good monologue. You have either spend hours seaching the web or reading through books. That's why I'm making a site that will be a collection of monologues that have worked for me. This site is a work in progress, but so far I have monologues from The House of Blue Leaves by John Guare, Voice of the Prairie by John Olive, A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, and some others. If anyone out there is in need of a monologue that works really well, go ahead and visit my site!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Be Kind Rewind

I recently saw the movie Be Kind Rewind. It is written and directed by Michel Gondry, the genius who made Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind, The Science of Sleep, and all those cool music videos for bands like Radiohead and The White Stripes. Be Kind Rewind stars Jack Black, Mos Def, Danny Glover, and Mia Farrow. In a nutshell, all the movies in a small, vintage video store are erased, so Black and Def try to save the store by remaking or "sweding" all the movies, including Ghostbusters, Rush Hour 2, and 2001 Space Odyssey. I love this movie, obviously, since I tend not to write about movies I don't like. I was very disappointed with some of the American public when I heard people leaving the theater sputtering, "Well that was a disaster..." Kids these days just don't understand. These people wouldn't know a work of art if it slapped them in the face. Anyway, despite what some may say, Be Kind Rewind is a wonderful movie. Go see it now.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

No New Movies

I've been so busy lately that I have not been able to go see any new movies. To be honest there's really not any good movies out right now anyway. I might go see Definitely, Maybe, but I just haven't had any spare time. So, today I will discuss the play The Phantom of the Opera. It seemed the right thing to do considering I am listening to the soundtrack right now. I saw The Phantom of the Opera about a month ago at Kentucky Center for the Arts. It was so amazing that I went out and bought the soundtrack. I had never seen it on the stage, but I saw the movie a few years ago. The movie just doesn't do it justice, as is with pretty much any play turned into a film. You can see a movie over and over again and it will always be the same, but theatre is a once in a lifetime experience. A play is unique every time it is performed. Back to the point, The Phantom of the Opera was really incredible. That moment when the chandelier is first revealed made me jump out my seat. My only two problems with it are: our seats were really far away (which of course is not the fault of the play) and the Phantom seemed a little short. I realize this sounds very superficial, but, what can I say, it bothered me. Other than that, it was a wonderful experience.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Arrested Development: The Movie

In case you don't already know, Arrested Development is one of the funniest TV shows ever created. Unfortunately, it was canceled after just three seasons. Obviously, this was an outrage, however I have learned to accept it considering the cancelation occurred several years ago. Now, there is talk of an Arrested Development movie. Apparently, all of the original cast and a production company has already signed on to the idea. Of course, the movie is not set in stone at this point; however, I can't help but get excited just at the thought of it. Anyway, Arrested Development stars Jason Bateman, Portia de Rossi, Will Arnett, Michael Cera, Jeffery Tambor, David Cross, and it is narrated by Ron Howard. All three seasons are for sale, so check it out!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Chick Flick

I saw 27 Dresses last Saturday with my mom. It's not for you movie snobs out there, but I thought it was really cute; chick flicks can be good, too!! It is funny, and it has a good message. It stars Katherine Heigl, James Marsden (who is adorable, by the way), and Edward Burns. I wanted to see it because I loved Katherine Heigl in Knocked Up, although I am not a Grey's Anatomy fan. Plus, I was with my mom, so obviously we weren't going to see I Am Legend or Meet the Spartans or anything like that. Not that I want to see those movies. I heard I Am Legend is pretty good, but I don't watch zombie movies (or anything that resembles zombie movies). And Meet the Spartans just looks stupid. Anyway, 27 Dresses is worth seeing if you like movies like that. By the way, there is a classic "changing outfits" montage as seen in just about every girly movie. But, I really I liked it; I think I may have even shed a tear or two.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Favorite Movie

"Scaling the Cliffs of Insanity, Battling Rodents of Unusual Size, Facing torture in the Pit of Despair. - True love has never been a snap."
The Princess Bride has been my favorite movie since I can remember. This film has it all: comedy, action, romance and more. It stars Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, Christopher Guest, Mandy Patinkin, Andre the Giant, and Billy Crystal, among others and is directed by Rob Reiner. One of my favorite scenes is the sword fight between Westley (Elwes) and Inigo Montoya (Patinkin). It fills me with excitment and at the same time has me cracking up. The movie was released in 1987 (I was planning on only writing about new movies, but I couldn't neglect this classic.) If you have never seen this movie please go rent it tonight. I promise you will fall in love with it.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My First Blog

I've decided that in my blog I will discuss interesting movies. I will write about movies that I have seen and think others should see, as well. Don't worry, I will never ruin any endings.

"A comedy about growing up... and the bumps along the way." I recently saw the movie Juno, starring Ellen Page, Michael Cera, and Jason Bateman. I was surprised to see Jennifer Garner in the movie, as well, and was very impressed with her performance. (If you like The Office, there is a cameo appearance by Rainn Wilson!) This movie looked especially interesting to me because I am a big fan of Arrested Development, which also stars Jason Bateman and Michael Cera. Juno is nominated for three Golden Globes including Best Motion Picture. It deserves the awards; I loved this movie. It is hilarious but also incredbly sweet and charming. It was cast perfectly; the acting could not be better. Juno is playing everywhere now so go check it out!