Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Check It Out!

My webpage is almost complete! (The truth is, it will never be fully completed because I can always add more monologues.) But, at this point, it looks really good. There twenty-four monologues, a homepage with five pictures of IUS productions, an "about this site" page, and a link to this blog. So far, I have six classical comedy monologues, six classical dramatic monologues, six contemporary comedic monologues, and six contemporary dramatic monologues. Almost all the monologue pages have pictures of previous productions. This is because I believe it is easier to get a feel for the play if pictures are available. The "About This Site" page just explains how this webpage is specifically for women around my age in need of audition monologues. There is, also, an About Me section that just says my experience, what I am up to, and, of course, a goofy picture of me. I picked a girly color scheme and a simple layout (because I don't know how to do anything complex.) But, I think everything looks pretty good.

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