Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Website

I've added some more monologues to my website including selections from Eve's Diary, The Casket Comedy, and Les Miserables. There are still quite a few that I plan to add. There will be a monologue from the movie Waiting for Guffman which will probably be the only movie monologue, but I wan to include it because it has worked really well for me in the past. I will, also, add some monologues from Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and Midsummer Night's Dream.

By the way, I saw the movie Leatherheads last Saturday. This movie stars George Clooney, John Krasinski, and Renee Zellweger, and is directed by Clooney. I was really excited about this movie. Partially because it looked cute and funny, and partially because I love John Krasinski. However, I was pretty disappointed. I knew I wouldn't enjoy Renee Zellweger's performance and I didn't, but it wasn't just that; Leatherheads was not all that cute or funny. It had its moments, but for the most part it was just plain boring.

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