Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Chick Flick

I saw 27 Dresses last Saturday with my mom. It's not for you movie snobs out there, but I thought it was really cute; chick flicks can be good, too!! It is funny, and it has a good message. It stars Katherine Heigl, James Marsden (who is adorable, by the way), and Edward Burns. I wanted to see it because I loved Katherine Heigl in Knocked Up, although I am not a Grey's Anatomy fan. Plus, I was with my mom, so obviously we weren't going to see I Am Legend or Meet the Spartans or anything like that. Not that I want to see those movies. I heard I Am Legend is pretty good, but I don't watch zombie movies (or anything that resembles zombie movies). And Meet the Spartans just looks stupid. Anyway, 27 Dresses is worth seeing if you like movies like that. By the way, there is a classic "changing outfits" montage as seen in just about every girly movie. But, I really I liked it; I think I may have even shed a tear or two.

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